Things do not have a specific value when they are created or found in nature. Value is an acquired characteristic that depends on many factors, such as time, scarcity, and the human power used to make them… Different things can have different values depending on who is defining that value, so value cannot be considered intrinsic. Should things have a universal value accepted by our whole society?

When we talk about the value of immaterial beliefs, feelings, and thoughts, it is even more difficult to define general ideas or concepts because they are all purely subjective. In this project I want to use the concept of holy when it is associated with material things.
Things that were merely simple objects acquire a new sacred dimension if they are covered with gold.
Now golden is just a coat of paint, plastic, or any other material that imitates gold. This is a very interesting paradox because the value of things is not defined anymore by the presence of this rare material, but just the idea of it

The relative value of materials is again clearly visible when we talk about residue. Some materials are trash in some countries and are an economical resource for others. In this project I will work with ocean plastic found on the Songkhla beach, as it is becoming one of the most significant threats to our planet and it is a huge common challenge for all humanity.

In this proposal I use the most universal meaning of valuable through the use of gold to give a new meaning to trash. But are these shiny art pieces as valuable as they look?

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